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The project on mobile device application, simulation, and analysis for soil and groundwater pollutio

On the expansion and development of soil and groundwater geographic database, this project has collected and the related data created by Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Management Board and other authorities to build in this database. The maintenance and operation procedure has also been designed. Therefore, this project can be the window of the Board for GIS data collecting, exchanging, and sharing. On the implementation of soil and groundwater geographic information service platform, this project has connected the data services from other authorities. The attribute data of soil and groundwater in the management information system in this Board has also been integrated into the GIS database. Therefore, the GIS data services for the departments of this Board can be promoted. On the enhancement of application functions of soil and groundwater geographic information system, this project has developed the following application functions: horizontal serial querying, integrated displaying for soil, groundwater, and sediment, assistant analysis of spatial information for pollution report and response, and basic statistics for the polluted sites. Therefore, this system can be more useful to assist the authorities for management works. On the expansion of the soil and groundwater application system for mobile devices, this project has developed the systems for iOS and Android platforms with consistent interfaces and functions. Therefore, the county EPBs which have different mobile devices can both effectively use this system. On the integration of groundwater modeling system (GMS) and GIS, this project has developed the demonstrational application for data input and output between GMS and GIS in PC version. The simulation results by GMS are also applied for GIS in PC version to assist the authorities for management works. The results of this project are expected to be used to assist the authorities to improve the performance of soil and groundwater pollution management works.
Soil and groundwater pollution, Geographic information system, Mobile application device